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23-08-23 - 12:00


30-08-23 - 11:00

gn for both interior and exterior projects.

Landscape construction is the hallmark of professional landscaping services and represents one of their major differences from other professionals such as horticulturists or landscape designers. Construction includes large features like outdoor kitchens and fountains as well as altering the terrain with slopes or retaining walls.

Landscape contractors use architectural or design plans for outdoor space to construct hardscaping or softscaping for their clients, including hardscaping or softscaping installations. Landscapers specialize in drainage, grading, soil preparation (like installing concrete paths or retaining walls) as well as heavy equipment to prepare their clients' property for installation.

They also possess the talent of taking your ideas and turning them into something much grander than anticipated. Their expertise lies in seeing the potential in your property to give it an exotic or relaxing atmosphere or create an area for entertaining guests.

Prior to beginning the design process, establish a budget or range with your landscape contractor so they are prepared for what you are willing to spend on construction. This can save time and money; contractors often modify designs in order to fit within their cost constraints (this process is known as value engineering; where items may be removed or less costly options selected). Some designers work on a design-bid-build basis with contractors.

Landscape contractors specialize in outdoor construction projects and specialize in soft or hard landscaping elements to meet client specifications. While gardeners mainly plant flowers and shrubs, landscape contractors are capable of building structures such as patios, walls, fire pits, trellises, water features, rock gardens or entire lawns from scratch.

Landscape design is the precursor to construction. This step involves everything from choosing plants that suit your soil type and climate conditions to taking into account other aspects of your property that could influence its design.

Landscapers will create a detailed project plan to help you visualize all aspects of their work and costs involved, making the task clear and manageable. They will suggest additions that increase curb appeal while staying within your budget, as well as maintenance programs to maintain long-term health of trees, flowers and other plants once installed on your property. They know which plants thrive or won't grow there and which will complement its architecture and other elements better than others.

Landscape contractors are responsible for the ongoing care of landscaping designs created or overseen by landscape architects, such as sodding, watering, weeding, pruning, planting and fertilizing services provided. Their duties may involve hardscape aspects like fountains or fire pits or softscape such as lawn care or flower beds.

Outdoor space inspectors also frequently conduct site assessments to evaluate soil condition, size and slope as well as any obstacles like utility lines or tree roots buried underground. If necessary, they can suggest design modifications that fit seamlessly with the property in which they're operating.

Landscape contractors can transform creative ideas into practical solutions for your garden or property. In addition, they will assist with budget management by suggesting cost-cutting measures and outlining which projects fit within your price range.

Landscape contractors specialize in installing hard and softscape elements on your property. They can construct paver patios, walkways and steps made from concrete pavers as well as retaining walls using materials that suit both the climate and soil type on which your land resides.

Installers also specialize in planting to add natural elements to your property, such as trees, shrubs and architectural plants. In addition to this service they may reshape your lawn or add softscape elements like rocks and decorative gardens for dramatic changes on your property.