The people who are found suspicous will just be placed Cover Image


The people who are found suspicous will just be placed

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The people who are found suspicous will just be placed non ha pubblicato ancora nulla


Data dinizio
10-03-21 - 05:00


Data di fine
31-03-21 - 09:00

I'm thinking that it would work if you just tracked the well know spots were macroers work, such as in draynor. That's where I usually go and get willows. I typically find anywhere from 10- 25 macroers ever couple of hours there, just within my world. All that I am asking is a program that will track the said areas. Additionally, it will have a perfect view to the trees and also will be able to record all that hit the trees and then you're going to be able to see a list of those players, levels in WC and comb. The levels of comb right there ought to help to weed out many macroers.

Yea this idea isnt for an immediate ban, no. The people who are found suspicous will just be placed on a watch that the jagex team will track more closely. I know that they already have a variant of this going, just not with the whole tree watching idea. There are many people who do wood cutting hours and are not macroers, this notion will just place them to a watch that will see if they're macroers or just regular players.

The said program will list all players that hit any pine tree and above, largely watching willows. Any participant that strikes a tree for over an hours will be listed. The recorded players list will be transmitted into the jagex team. Even the jagex team will then see just how long each player was at each shrub, what axe was used, thier level for battle and WC. Afterward the jagex group will then decide which players have to be watched more carefully.

This program will even take screen shots. The screen shots will be taken every so often on players that are thought to be macroing. The screen shots will probably cause lag into the game so if anyone has some better ideas here post on this. Nevertheless, the whole idea of a screen shot would be to identify whether the player is speaking at all. Many Macroers have a script which will allow players to speak with you and you will have a set question or queries that the program will respond to. The screen shot will only help check the chat on such player.

Or when Jagex has a means of recording the chat around the entire world at any particular time. I strongly doubt that they do, even if they did, would you envision or simply fathom the notion of just how much distance that would take up. After time has passed this idea can then be optimized and ran automatically. I know like you said that there'll be individuals who aren't macroing that will get banned, but you always have the option to appeal that prohibit.

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